The current world is leaning to the right, as we have seen in Europe, from Italy to Austria and then to Germany. It seems that the UK is an exception, but considering that the Labor government has no choice but to implement policies that are far more extreme than those on the right, making it incapable of reconciling social conflicts. This will only accelerate the disappearance of Labor's political advantage, and the Conservative Party or another party will take its place to face a world full of disputes.
As for the United States, Donald Trump's rise to power speaks for itself. Indeed, he is a flagship figure of this rightward shift in the world.
The question is, why is the world collectively turning to the right? How has this change occurred? The logic behind this shift is worth serious consideration for those who oppose this trend, who incessantly criticize how fanatical this rightward movement is, as well as for those who are currently shifting right or are likely to do so in the future.
The world has been under the influence of leftist and progressive thought for many years. In fact, since the end of World War II, the world has been dominated by leftist ideology, with the Cold War representing only minor adjustments. During the Cold War, McCarthyism in the United States attempted to put on the brakes to this, but ultimately it failed and then the U.S. essentially returned to the dominance of leftist ideology.
The left advocates and promotes democracy, equality, human rights, protection of vulnerable groups, freedom, internationalism, and globalization. This has led developed countries to invest substantial resources in various nations around the world, thereby shaping the very process of globalization. However, it has also allowed various forms of terrorism, authoritarian regimes, religious movements, non-democratic forces, and non-institutional competitors to exploit these conditions, enabling their rise, wealth, and power. They have claimed autonomy and even sought to dominate.
What then, has happened under decades of leftist ideology in the world?
We see that massive waves of immigration have emerged, and this has become a lucrative business, as some know that under human rights for vulnerable groups, they will certainly be resettled by developed countries. While they seek happiness and welfare, their large numbers are destroying the basic social order and cities of these developed nations. They should have aimed for development in their own countries, but now they have decided to directly pursue prosperity and welfare elsewhere.
Countries like Russia and Iran are rising, and while they threaten the world with nuclear weapons, they also understand that they will be treated as equally and tolerantly as possible. This is because those religious leaders and dictators know that the world needs not only their oil resources but there are also the existence of egalitarian ideals.
In the Middle East, UN relief agencies are treated as resource banks for Arab terrorist forces that provide the latter a legitimate cover for terrorist activities. A significant amount of supplies is directly used for terrorism, and many UN personnel even participate as armed operatives in terrorist attacks. All of these are carried out openly under the banner of human rights and internationalism. In reality, nearly all terrorist organizations and rogue states around the world are acutely aware of how much space they have to operate behind the fa?ade of charity, human rights, and the civilizational assumption that "everyone is equal". When these taken-for-granted "supplies" are altered, they often feel wronged.
The system of globalization is often viewed positively and has become widely accepted, particularly due to the influence of business academic education. As a result, there is limited discussion about the number of competitive countries that have emerged under the impact of globalist ideas. Domestic workers frequently need to search for new employment opportunities, and as they near retirement, they often face the challenge of retraining to secure new positions.
Under the influence of ideas of fairness, justice, and equality, the government occupies a dominant position in social welfare. Policies framed as welfare redistributions lead to continuous tax increases. As a result, social welfare issues remain unresolved, while the government’s dominant position is significantly strengthened. The business communities have to agree with punitive taxes while trying to justify the prevailing leftist ideologies, feeling they have no alternatives. The demands for universal welfare far exceed what current production and economic growth can provide, and there are many examples of such occurrences.
Intellectuals and news media in various countries largely stand in opposition to public opinion. As self-proclaimed spiritual leaders of the left, they confidently believe that, although few people seriously read newspapers and watch television anymore, they still possess enough confidence and persuasiveness to shape public sentiment. They completely disregard the voices of thousands of citizens, which differ greatly from their own views. While they are actual underminers of genuine public opinion, they firmly believe that this theoretical undermining is legitimate and justifiable.
In Argentina, Javier Milei waved a chainsaw above his head at political rallies, and had successfully launched a "counter-revolution". His success, i.e., having gained the support of the Argentine people, shows that in all seriousness, for too long disruptors have had the opportunity to exploit the situation. The world has been turned upside down, with leftist ideologies successfully utilized and evolved into mainstream policies across various countries, often framed as self-evidently and absolutely politically correct. All of this will certainly be re-evaluated, and the outcome of such reflection can only lead to a collective shift to the right.
As for myself, I am actually a leftist thinker. I support a balance between welfare and the economy, as well as democracy and freedom. I endorse most of the ideals that leftist thought offers, but I also strive to remain objective and rational. I understand that there is a fundamental contradiction between “how far we go” and “how long we go”. I realize that if we have moved too quickly in the past, then a moment of adjustment will inevitably come. Just as I feel confused by the issues brought about by the dominance of leftist thought in various countries over the decades, I recognize that many others in this world will also make their own choices. Therefore, I must now acknowledge that the time for the right is indeed approaching.
This is the destiny of world politics. I believe there exists a cyclical movement from left to right and then back again, and this cycle will be very effective. Now is the time for intellectuals around the world, entrepreneurs like Volkswagen in Germany, Wall Street investors, and political figures who have long been aligned with certain factions and have greatly benefited from these divisions, to reconsider their positions.
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