  • 北京シンクタンクの当社(ANBOUND)は1993 年、陳功氏によって設立された独立した多国籍シンクタンクとなっております。マクロ経済学、産業政策、都市および社会開発、地政学、国際関係の分野における公共政策研究に焦点を当てております。 当社は戦略予測、政策ソリューション、リスク分析の分野において高い評価を得ており、過去 30 年間、常に独立性と開放性の原則を順守してきました。 1998年以降、当社は中央金融経済指導グループを担い、中国国内のあらゆるレベルの政府・金融機関に対して調査・政策コンサルティングを提供してきました。この間、上海、成都、深セン、杭州、重慶、ウルムチに支店ネットワークを広げてきました。

    当社は世界的に有名なシンクタンクの 1 つに成長しており、オックスフォード大学、ミシガン大学、マラヤ大学、ペンシルベニア大学、米国RAND研究所、韓国対外経済政策研究所、英チャタムハウスとコンタクトし、連携を続けております。

ANBOUND senior team hosted Beijing Representatives from the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) on August 22, 2024.
Yi Wang, Head of Global Development Program at ANBOUND, participated in the Cities Climate Action Summit 2024 in-person day on 27 June (County Hall, London), hosted by SmartCitiesWorld.
Daniel Necula, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Romania to China, visited ANBOUND Beijing office on May 29, 2024.
Dr. Gautam Pandey, Head of Economic, Trade & Commerce from the Embassy of India in China, attended ANBOUND 2024 Spring Workshop on AI Policy of Skills and Labor Markets on May 24, 2024.
Robert Herzner, Chief Representative of Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) in Hong Kong met with Yi Wang, Head of Global Development Program, at ANBOUND Beijing office on 23 February 2023.
Yi Wang,Head of Global Development Program at ANBOUND, as advisory member engaged in the International Program “Building a Future-Ready City”, 18 May 2022.
Yi Wang who chaired a webinar on BRI policy issues, discussed with Dr. Rafiq Dossani, Director of the RAND Center for Asia Pacific Policy, Dr. Jennifer Bouey, a senior policy researcher and Tang Chair in China Policy Studies at the RAND Corporation, Professor Yongjun Chen, the Business School of Renmin University of China, 3 July 2020.
Yi Wang (right second), Head of Global Development Program at ANBOUND, was invited in a joint event of Penn IUR-ESI smart city research study - Building a Hyperconnected City, 30 January 2020 in Philadelphia.
Wang at ANBOUND and Takahiro Sekido, Chief Japan Strategist for Global JPY Strategy Research from MUFG Bank in Tokyo, discussed in a webinar on what prospects of investment would be in Post-Pandemic Asia, 17 June 2020.
Yi Wang (left second), Head of Global Development Program at ANBOUND, visited Malaysian Institute Of Economic Research(MIER), May 2019 in Kuala Lumper.
Dr. II-Chong Nam, Professor for KDI School of Public Policy and Management visited Anbound Beijing office in April 2019.
Minister Counselor Mr. Kim Jonghan of South Korean Embassy in China visited Anbound Beijing office in January 2019.
Yi Wang, Head of Global Development Program at ANBOUND, was invited at a Business Gathering (to promote Trade Expo Indonesia 2018), and talked with Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia,H. E. Mr. Djauhari Oratmangun, 24 August 2018 in Beijing.
Alexandre B. Cérat, First Secretary of the Economic Office to the Canadian Embassy in China visited ANBOUND office in Beijing, December 2017.
ANBOUND-BEI Seminar on China-Bangladesh Economic Cooperation, 19 October 2017 in Beijing.
The delegation of Kung Chan (right first), Yi Wang (right second), and another two scholars from Peking University, visited Pakistan, and had a meeting with the responsible officers and research fellows of IPRI, August 2016.
Zaid Haider, senior official for the U.S. Department of State, visited Kung Chan in ANBOUND Beijing office, March 2015.
Christine Hogan, Deputy Minister of International Trade of Canada, visited senior researchers at ANBOUND, February 2015 in Beijing.
Deputy Director of China Division of International Enterprise Singapore visited senior researchers at ANBOUND, June 2014.
東アジア統括補佐兼三菱商事中国社長岩城宏斗司、三菱商事株式会社地域統括部グローバル調査チーム中国特命担当小山雅久、ANBOUND の創設者陳功(中)、 2013年10月28日。
Kazunori Koike, Chief Representative of Beijing Office at the Bank of Japan, visited senior researchers at ANBOUND, April 2013.
Dato' Sri Mustapa, Malaysian Minister of International Trade and Industry (MITI), met up with Kung Chan, founder of ANBOUND, September 2012 in Beijing.
H.R.H. Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Parme (middle), the Climate Envoy for the Netherlands, visited Kung Chan (left third), founder of ANBOUND, September 2012 in Beijing.
US State Department's Chief Economist, Heidi Crebo-Rediker, visited Kung Chan, founder of ANBOUND, June 2012 in Beijing.
UK Liverpool Mayor met with Kung Chan in the Liverpool City Hall, February 2011.
BP UK chief economist Christof Rühl, and BP China chief economist Dr. Zhang Chi, both visited ANBOUND in Beijing, May 2009.
Kung Chan, founder of ANBOUND, as policy advisor to Beijing Municipal Public Health Program, attended a meeting that was hosted by Chaoyang District CDC, and engaged in a discussion with Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, April 2007 in Beijing.
Sir Peter Geoffrey Hall (an English town planner, urbanist and geographer) discussed with Kung Chan, founder of ANBOUND, July 2004 in Shanghai.
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