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私たちは常に独立性と開放性の基本的な運営原則を遵守してきました. 私たちは研究結果を多くの影響力のある有名な国際的なシンクタンク、学者、国際機関とタイムリーに共有しています. 研究を行い、オンラインおよびオフラインのフォーラム活動を組織し、戦略的コンサルティング サービス プロジェクトを拡大します。
China's Economic Structural Contraction and New Quality Productivity |
ANBOUNDジャパンセレクション |
Embracing the Green Mindset: A Collaborative Approach to Combat Climate Change |
Generational Characteristics of the Chinese Populations: A Preliminary Observation |
Skills Education for Youth Adapts to the Future: How Can Industry Organizations Play the Role |
Building a Future Ready City |
Perspectives from ESI & ANBOUND: Life in Cities |
International Comparison of Social Welfare |
Concept and Path of Developing a Hydrogen Energy Society in China |
Chengdu Future Science and Technology City - Fiscal and Economic Impact Analysis |
Future City Analysis |
Revisiting Geo-Economic Values of the Yangtze River Economic Belt |
A Study of Big Health Industry |
Is Any Space for Consortium Economy in China |
A Study of Industrial Funds Used in Local Economic Development |
China's Industrial Transfer and Regional Economic Coordinated Development |
A Necessity for China to Open Up Its Immigration Policy |
The Conception of State-Owned Enterprise Reform |
2011 China Economic Outlook |
Anbound Japan practice (Nagomi Management LLC)
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Michiko Sekido (Michiko.sekido@anbound.com) ; Takahiro Sekido (Takahiro.sekido@anbound.com)